
Alternative Energy Project Started: Chapman Creek Hatchery

Posted on July 23rd, 2013 by

The Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society has started work on an alternative energy project at its Chapman Creek hatchery. Mory Ghomshei and Nima Mousavi of Carnotech Energy Inc. designed the project, and Research and development was supported by grants from the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) of the National Research Council of Canada. The facility […] READ MORE

Exploring BC’s Geothermal Potential

Posted on July 23rd, 2013 by

Along with BC’s active plate tectonics and frequent earthquakes comes an abundance of geothermal activity, typically presenting itself in the form of hot springs. There is an aspect that goes much farther than hot springs, however – the potential for generating significant geothermal power. Mory notes that geothermal energy is being utilized in other countries […] READ MORE

Heat Beneath Your Feet

Posted on July 22nd, 2013 by

Geothermal energy makes sense for today’s greenhouses, says Dr. Mory  At the Pacific Agriculture Show, Ghomshei explained to greenhouse growers that geothermal energy is a secure and sustainable source with zero emissions, making it cleaner and greener than peat, wood, coal, oil, and even natural gas. Geothermal energy is energy harnessed from the heat within […] READ MORE

DMRC studies geothermal energy options

Posted on July 22nd, 2013 by

The Sudbury-based Deep Mining Research Consortium (DMRC) has commissioned a study to investigate the application of geothermal energy technologies to cool deep mine workings and use the heat from underground to produce energy, heat surface buildings and possibly grow vegetables in greenhouses. Mory Ghomshei, states that at 10, 000 feet, the rock temperature might reach […] READ MORE

Geothermal energy could meet half of B.C.’s electricity needs, researcher says

Posted on June 25th, 2013 by

Mory Ghomshei states that geothermal energy is so abundant that it could meet half our future energy needs with no greenhouse gas emissions. According to Mory, B.C. is sitting on a potential gold mine of clean energy in the form of superheated water located deep beneath the Earth’s surface; the provinces position atop the subduction […] READ MORE